FHS - Integration Programs

FHS - DigiSeminar

FHS - DigiSeminar

is a permanent activity of FHS - Newbie in Norway which aims to increase immigrants' knowledge and understanding about the Norwegian society, Norwegian culture and social systems.

It is conducted by our volunteers and resource persons from both public and private entities who have competencies in the given topics.

Watch more FHS - DigiSeminar videos here:

FHS - Språkkafe

We have digital, physical & hybrid språkkafe session. Be part of our Facebook Group: FHS - Språkkafe to stay updated with our events!

Tema: MLIP orienteringsdag
Tema: MLIP orienteringsdag
Tema: Ny innvandrer i Norge
Tema: Ny innvandrer i Norge
Tema: 22.juli minnemarkering
Tema: 22.juli minnemarkering
Tema: Forberedelse til samfunnkunnskapsprøve
Tema: Forberedelse til samfunnkunnskapsprøve
Tema: Norsk samfunnskunnskap
Tema: Norsk samfunnskunnskap
Tema: Utdanningssytemet i Norge
Tema: Utdanningssytemet i Norge
Tema: Helseordninger i Norge
Tema: Helseordninger i Norge
Tema: Lønn og skatt
Tema: Lønn og skatt
Tema: Ulike norske boligtyper
Tema: Ulike norske boligtyper
Tema: Det norske arbeidslivet
Tema: Det norske arbeidslivet
Tema: Norges historie
Tema: Norges historie
Tema: Norske juletradisjoner
Tema: Norske juletradisjoner

FHS - Physical or Hybrid Språkkafe Sessions are conducted in our office every Saturday from June to December. Schedule & topics are posted in our Facebook Page.

FHS - MLIP 2022

FHS - MLIP 2023

The Multicultural Helping Society in Norway

MLIP is FHS - Multicultural Links 6-month Certificate Integration Program (July - December)

- Includes 30 different integration activities that will enable you to learn more of Norwegian culture, language, customs and tradition, integrate in the multicultural society and give back through voluntary works.

MLIP - Cultural Activities

MLIP - Charity Works

FHS - Språkvenner på turer

- tilbyr muntlige norskøvelser til alle FHS-medlemmer som vil bruke sin fritid til å øve på norsk mens de også går på tur for å utforske Norge og lære om ulike norske aktiviteter og tradisjoner.

Be part of MLIP Batch 2024!

MLIP is a FREE 6-month FHS - Multicultural Links Certificate Integration Program (MLIP) from July - December.

MLIP 2024 will include around 30 different integration activities that will enable you to learn more of Norwegian culture, language, customs and tradition, provide you opportunities to practice the language through facilitation of exciting activities, integrate you better in the Multicultural Society, and allow you to give back to the community through voluntary works.

We will accept up to 20 participants regardless of your Norwegian Language Level.

To promote diversity and multiculturalism, we will limit the number of applicants with same cultural background to five (5), applicable to all nationalities.

The physical activities will be conducted primarily in our FHS Office in Oslo Sentrum on Saturdays, other days in weekends, and/or weekday evenings so that you can readily combine it with other obligations at home, work or school.



Deadline for application is on June 30, 2024 kl.23.59.


This is a very unique experience, grab your chance NOW to be part of our 3rd MLIP Batch!

